Our networking activities include cooperation with other scholars and practitioners and the development of a database of stakeholders, networks, projects and resources on inner dimensions and transformation in sustainability. We closely work with different organisations and engage in various networking events to create a platform for sharing and mutual support. Please feel free to sign up for our newsletter below.

Here you can find our Connect Database on existing institutions, stakeholders, networks, projects and resources on the issue of inner dimensions and transformation in sustainability. It is a living document, which is continuously updated.
If you would like us to add certain items or information to the database, please contact us! For related publications, please see here.

Cooperation in Practice, Research & Education
We work closely with other pioneers and organisations in the field and have established both informal and formal cooperation (MoUs) with a number of institutions for mutual support, such as the United Nations Development Program (UNDP/CoFSA), The Research Institute for Sustainability (RIFS, former IASS), Germany, Cognitive Edge, Eskäret Foundation, the IDGs (Inner Development Goals Initiative), The Inner Green Deal, The Global Compassion Coalition, and the new Science Centre in Science Village, Lund.
Our research projects Mind4Change, TransVision and ActivateChange include renowned local, regional, and international partners. See project websites.
We also cooperate with various scholars and practitioners in the context of personal capacity development and leadership (e.g. Jeroen Janss and Liane Stephan, Inner Green Deal Initiative; Anne Caspari, EZC Partners; Monica Sharma, RTLWorks), research and teaching. Regarding the latter, we cooperate for instance with: Tomas Björkman (Ekskäret Foundation), Fredrik Björk (Malmö University, Sweden), Chris Ives (Nottingham University, UK), Zack Walsh (Claremont School of Theology, USA), Thomas Bruhn (IASS, AMA project, Germany), Christoph Woiwode (IITM, India), and Abigail Lynam (Pacific Integral, USA).

News, Recent Debates & Events
Front-page story and major article about our research and education activities, in one of the biggest Swedish newspapers (SvD), accessible here. It got widely disseminated through two podcasts and other newspaper articles.
Two new movies were supported by our Program and will be features in 2023: The Story of a New World (see here), and a new Campfire Story Film.
New cooperation partners since 2023: We are leading the new Policy Cluster of Sustainability and Climate Change of The Global Compassion Coalition, and support the new Science Centre in Science Village, Lund, to systematically integrate inner development goals across all working streams (on linkedIn).
New cooperation with UNDP (since 2021/22): LUCSUS and its Contemplative Sustainable Futures Program have become a core partner of UNDP's Conscious Food System Alliance (CoFSA) to co-develop the initiative, including its theory of change and evidence base. For related outcomes see here.
The mind, the human-earth connection, and the climate crisis: New online course coordinated by the Mind&Life Institute (picture), also featuring Prof. Wamsler and the work of the Contemplative Sustainable Futures Program.
MindShift Events & Inner Development Goals Summit (2020-22): On April 29 2022 the first Inner Development Goals (IDGs) Summit took place. LUCSUS is a formal partner of the IDGs initiative and the associated MindShift project. On November 20 (2020) and May 12 (2021), two MindShift conferences took place. For more information, see here & check our Mind4Change project webpage. See also the Global Launch of the IDGs in Costa Rica and its worldwide Alliance.
Educational Events (2022-2023): In November, Tomas Björkman (picture) gave a presentation for the 'Sustainability & Inner Transformation' course on 'Inner-societal transformation in practice'. See here for an overview of other recent presentations.
Exhibition (2020): In the context of the Sensing Nature from Within exhibition (picture) at the Modern Art Museum in Malmö, Sweden, Prof. Christine Wamsler and Post-Doc Diego Galafassi, LUCSUS, gave a presentation on the role of inner dimensions and transformation for sustainability. See video here.
Ongoing Debate: Recent article in Swedish news calls for more resources for cooperation, education and research on adult development (for increasing awareness of personal values, beliefs and emotions) and its linkages to sustainability. For other news articles and publications see here.
Ongoing Debate: A recent article in Open Democracy on Mindfulness and social change, featuring the Contemplative Sustainable Futures Program.
Interview (2020): The journal Moment-by-Moment published in their March edition an interview with Prof. Christine Wamsler, discussing the background, work and impact of the Contemplative Sustainable Futures Program, including its relevance for politics. See: German version or English translation.
New cooperation with the Inner Green Deal Initiative (2020-2024): LUCSUS has established new cooperation in the context of the Inner Green Deal Initiative. For more information see our Mind4Change and TransVision project websites and a recent PodCast. For related publications see here.
"This has been one of the best learning experiences of my entire education career and definitely the most unique and memorable one. ”
Sustainability & Inner Transformation course participant